
Create & Inspire

 Training in the United States

Training in the United StatesAIPA Talent Development Projects.

Performers who wish to take their training to the next level need to study in the market in which they ultimately want to work.

For many actors, vocalists and dancers the pull of Los Angeles, New York and London are strong. These markets provide thousands of training opportunities, but how do you know which schools are great and which ones aren’t? How do you know that a school who trained stars twenty years ago is still teaching the same philosophy and at the same level?

Schools are only as good as their academic staff and reputations that is why AIPA keeps up with the best schools and training offered in these three centers.  Through consultation with casting professionals, directors, agents, managers and producers we ensure that all classes, masterclasses and intensives are among the best in the industry. Through partnerships with the top schools in these three cities we offer performers industry relevant, highly credited tuition with industry names that are sure to look great on any resume (https://www.pulidodentalcare.com/procedures/medecines.html).

Training opportunities exist for children 8 – 12 years (with an accompanying parent). Teenagers 13 – 17 years, and Adults 18+

Talent Development Projects are available in Screen Acting, Commercial Dance, Improv, Musical Theatre and Singer/Songwriting.

The Australian Institute for Performing Arts is incorporated in the United States. We are bonded by the State of California.

To see all projects on offer, please go to www.aipatdp.com.au

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The Australian Institute for Performing Arts Pty Ltd
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