Contact Us
AIPA Talent Development Projects (AIPA TDP)
In the US +1 323 362 4400
In Australia +61 2 9966 4473
Australian and US Talent Development Programme (The)
No phone calls please.
Australian Screen Tests (The) A.S.T
In the US +1 323 632 4400
In Australia +61 2 9966 0353
Best Camp Ever (BCE 2013)
In the US +1 323 362 4400
In Australia +61 2 9966 0353
GLEEClub Australia (GCA)
In the US +1 323 882 8098
In Australia +61 2 9966 4473
GLEEClub International (GCI)
In the US +1 323 362 4400
In Australia +61 2 9966 4473
International Improv Games (The) T.I.I.G
In the US +1 323 362 4400
In Australia +61 2 9966 0353
KICK Performance Group (K.P.G).
In Australia +61 2 9966 5013
Professional Actors’ Masterclass (The) PAM
In the US +1 323 362 4400
In Australia +61 2 9966 5425
Professional Actors’ Workshop Series (The) PAWS
In the US +1 323 882 8098
In Australia +61 2 9966 5425
Business Affairs/Legal Matters
In the US +1 323 362 4400
In Australia +1 9966 4020
General Enquiries
In the US +1 323 362 4400
In Australia +1 9966 5013
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>Accounts Receivable/Payable
In the US +1 323 362 4400
In Australia +1 9966 5013
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